Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Five -- Robin Bridges

Robin Bridges is another 2k12 Classmate (such a fantastic group of people!) and author of THE GATHERING STORM, an historical novel set in Tsarist Russia.  I'm delighted to have her here today to answer...


1.  What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned since becoming a writer?  

You can read every author/ agent/ editor blog, attend conferences, lurk on message boards and just when you think you have the publishing industry figured out, something changes.  You can’t chase the best-seller list hoping to get in on the “next big thing”.  Just write the best book that only you can write.

2.  Who are your writing heroes?  

Laura Ingalls Wilder was my earliest writing hero.  The fact that she wrote books about her life and sold them was the coolest thing to my nine-year-old mind.

3.  What other profession would you like to learn?

I’d love to be an archeologist or an astronomer.  Or a dolphin trainer!

4.  What profession would you never, ever want to have? 

Accounting.  I hate balancing my own checkbook.

5.  What is your favorite writing motto/mantra?

“Just keep swimming-  I mean… Just keep writing, writing, writing- what do we do? We write, write…”


From Goodreads:
St. Petersburg, Russia, 1888. As she attends a whirl of glittering balls, royal debutante Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, tries to hide a dark secret: she can raise the dead. No one knows. Not her family. Not the girls at her finishing school. Not the tsar or anyone in her aristocratic circle. Katerina considers her talent a curse, not a gift. But when she uses her special skill to protect a member of the Imperial Family, she finds herself caught in a web of intrigue.

An evil presence is growing within Europe's royal bloodlines—and those aligned with the darkness threaten to topple the tsar. Suddenly Katerina's strength as a necromancer attracts attention from unwelcome sources . . . including two young men—George Alexandrovich, the tsar's standoffish middle son, who needs Katerina's help to safeguard Russia, even if he's repelled by her secret, and the dashing Prince Danilo, heir to the throne of Montenegro, to whom Katerina feels inexplicably drawn.

The time has come for Katerina to embrace her power, but which side will she choose—and to whom will she give her heart?



You can find Robin at her website.
On Facebook.
On Twitter.

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