Today I'm going to look like a dragon eating its own tail, but even if Beth wasn't posting an interview with me today, I would choose her as my first Follow Friday.
I met Beth at an SCBWI event sometime in the spring, and we got to chatting about books and blogging, about our own projects and about our kids. Turns out her child was about to start at the preschool where I used to teach (and where my kids are now in the elementary school next door) so I immediately invited her to come to mom days at the park.
And started following her blog.
Beth writes about writing. She writes about not being able to write. She writes about being a mom, and how hard that can be to reconcile with being a writer (and a reader). Beth's blog has shaped up to be what I hope will be a model for my own (including the 3-days-a-week posting). And on top of all that, she's shaping up to be a good friend.
And she makes devastating peppermint truffle lumps.
So if you want to find out about the life of a writer who is on the verge of something great (she just got a request for a full of her YA manuscript from a top agent), start following Beth Hull.
Beth's blog is called Nebula and can also be found by Googling her name.
Beth is also on Twitter.
The Fake Gestapo Cell in London in WW2
8 minutes ago