1. What would your super power be?
My super power, without a doubt, would be to fly. If you’ve ever had a flying dream, it’s about as big of a tease as you can get—it feels so real. When I was a kid I was convinced that if I just concentrated hard enough I’d be able to lift off the ground. I’d spend hours practicing my take offs. And if that wasn’t enough--I’m fascinated with birds—so this is the perfect super power for me!
2. What is your most unappealing habit?
Hmmm most unappealing habit? I talk fast and have the horrible tendency of trying to finish other people’s sentences. I work hard to be a good listener, but sometimes that mouth gets a’ flappin and I just can’t help myself. * head thunk *
3. What is the worst job you’ve done?
When I was a cashier at a local grocery store in high school, they sent me into the back to hand sort a ROOM full of dirty recycled cans and bottles. It was pretty darn nasty. There were things in that pile that I didn’t know existed. * shudders *
Second runner up…I’ve delivered a lot of Denny’s Grand Slams. A lot.
4. What keeps you awake at night?
Quite a lot of things IF I don’t read in bed. If I just try to lie down and doze off by myself, my mind goes in a thousand different directions. But, if I read a book, I forget my own “stuff” and focus on someone else’s. This frees me up so nod off as I’m reading. Every once in awhile this backfires and I’m up till 2am—unable to put down a crazy good book. But it’s a risk I’m happy to take.
5. What living person do you most admire and why?
I admire the quiet givers, the small town folks who change and save the lives of their friends and neighbors without anyone really knowing what they do and how much it means. They have good hearts and I admire them more than anyone.

Life-altering mistakes are meant to alter lives.
At seventeen, Elliot Turner feels like she’s a failure in life and in the afterlife. She’s died for the third time and until she can remember her past and figure out the growth plan for her soul, she’s stuck at the Obmil Center for Progression. Elliot’s not surprised that her third stay in limbo guarantees her a rocky road to enlightenment, but she never expected her best friend, Julia to be mad at her. Things get even worse when Elliot meets Oliver and Trevor. One guy is as radiant as the sun and the other is dark and snarky and hates her for no reason at all. It doesn’t take long for Elliot to realize that the deeper she delves into her past, the more complicated it gets--she’s only touched the surface.
You can pre-order TOUCHING THE SURFACE here.
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