1. If you could go back in time, where/when would you go?
This will show you the flavor of literary nerd that I am, but I would love to have been at the Six Gallery Reading on October 7, 1955 when Alan Ginsberg’s “Howl” was first performed. That reading was going to change the world, and I’m sure nobody knew it.
2. Who would play you in the film of your life?
The film of my life would be very boring, but if I was lucky, Kate Winslet. We look nothing alike, but she can play anyone.
3. What one word do you think describes you best?
4. What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned since becoming a writer?
That the actual work of writing is only one tiny step toward a novel—the real work happens in revision. This shouldn’t have been a surprise, but I was sure blindsided by it.
5. If you knew you would be stranded on a desert island, which book, piece of music, and snack food would you take with you?
Beyond the basics to survive? CAKE’s Comfort Eagle, Pringles, and a Norton Anthology of British Literature. It comes in two volumes—I’d bring the second half.

Ricki’s dad has never been there for her. He’s a bounty hunter who spends his time chasing parole evaders—also known as “skips”—all over the country. Ever since Ricki’s mom ran off, Ricki finds herself an unwilling passenger in a front-row seat to her father’s dangerous lifestyle. Ricki’s feelings get even more confused when her dad starts tracking seventeen-year-old Ian Burnham. She finds herself unavoidably attracted to the dark-eyed felon who seems eager to get acquainted. Ricki thinks she’s ever in control—the perfect accomplice, the Bonnie to his Clyde. Little does she know that Ian isn’t playing the game by her rules.
You can order CHASING THE SKIP here!
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