1. What would your super power be?
Flying. I realize there is an originality factor of zero with that answer, but I would lovvvvves me some wings.
2. What is the worst job you’ve done?
Hmmm…Imma roll with the job I’ve done the worst AT, if that’s ok. And that would be: waiting tables at a super trendy, enormous, high-volume restaurant in the heart of Times Square. Totally UN-qualified for the position, I wrangled the job by acing the pages long “food test” they gave applicants, and then creating an award winning (albeit fantastically falsified) resume of where I had waited tables in the past. Holy. Crabcakes. Waitressing is no joke.
3. Who are your writing heroes?
That’s an ever changing answer. Currently, I am obsessed with Brian Selznick (WONDERSTRUCK) and also Robert Paul Weston (ZORGAMAZOO). Nothing is cooler to me than authors that change the game in terms of format.
4. What annoys you?
When people drive up my a** when I am already going 8 over the speed limit in a 25 and there is a cop down the road handing out tickets like it’s his last day on earth. DUDE. I’m not driving this slowly for my health. Promise.
5. What keeps you awake at night?
A certain thumping sound…but I really can’t elaborate.

Everyone knows that the M in “monster” stands for MEAN. But what happens when a monster can’t be mean any more? Is he still a monster at all? One young monster's attempts to live up to his name go hilariously awry as he discovers—with a little help from new friends—that it's not what you're called but who you are that counts.
You can find Tiffany on her website.
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