Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Five -- Random Thoughts

Today's Friday Five is going to be totally random because I woke up late and have to enter the revision cave as soon as possible.  So, here we go, in no particular order:

1.  This is one of the best posts on the business I've seen in a long time.  With what is one of my favorite quotes: "The prize in this pie-eating contest is more pie."

2.  I've been reading James Scott Bell's book Revision and Self-Editing (while in the revision cave), and talking with the Boys in the Basement every night.  Stephen King coined the term, but Bell goes so far as to suggest leaving little suggestions for the "Boys" to work on overnight while you sleep.  I think of my "Boys" as the Untouchables -- kick-ass Treasury-types, smoking cigars and doing good.  Last night they brought me a dream in which I went out to lunch with John Green.  Sure, it didn't do anything for my Book 2, but it gave me a little ego-boost...

3.  I hear it's snowing in parts of the US.  Rumor has it that snow will come to California next week.  I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

4.  Viking, the imprint publishing GILT, is part of the larger Penguin Group.  BORN WICKED, A debut by a Penguin sister, Jessica Spotswood, will be on shelves next month.  It's a great read, with a wicked twist on history, and I'll be giving away an ARC next week (come back!).  In the meantime, check out the trailer.

5.  Happy Friday, everybody!  I'm completely out of random, because I need to go writing a kissing scene like that one...


  1. Yes, that is one swoony trailer. And I've really enjoyed all the Book 2 posts this week on YA Muses. So helpful to know we're all in the same dysfunctional boat!

  2. Right, Eve? Book 2 has definitely been a challenge. And so nice to know it's not just me...

  3. Snow? Here? Usually I hate the cold, but this sounds really good. Any kind of precipitation has to be good at this point, right?
